Fotógrafa e Historiadora de Arte, Santurtzi (Bizkaia) ha vivido durante toda su vida con su cámara a cuestas en ciudades como Gazteiz, Londres y, Barcelona, donde reside actualmente.
Se interesó desde muy joven por la fotografía como medio con el que poder capturar su visión del mundo. Con su fotografía busca mostrar momentos de realidad que puedan transmitir tanto la personalidad y carácter, cómo los pequeños matices que pasan desapercibidos a simple vista, consiguiendo un escenario que haga reflexionar e inspire a conocer más.
Su trabajo han sido distinguido en los últimos años en los Premios de Fotografía Profesional LUX, IPA International Photo Awards ,TIFA Tokyo International Photo Awards, One Eyeland Photography Awards, y London International Creative  Competition.

Photographer and Art Historian, Santurtzi (Bizkaia) has lived all her life with her camera in tow in cities such as Gazteiz, London, and Barcelona, where she currently resides.
She was interested from a very young age in photography as a means to capture her vision of the world. With her photography, she seeks to show moments of reality that can transmit both personality and character, as well as the small nuances that go unnoticed by the naked eye, achieving a scenario that makes us reflect and inspires us to know more.
Her work has been distinguished in recent years in the LUX Professional Photography Awards, IPA International Photo Awards, TIFA Tokyo International Photo Awards, One Eyeland Photography Awards, and London International Creative Competition.